Sigrid Jusélius Foundation awarded a 4-year research grant to Minerva for fatty liver research

The group of Doc. Panu Luukkonen (Minerva Institute) was awarded on 4.12.2024, a 4-year grant (700 000 € in total) by the Sigrid Jusélius Foundation for a project elucidating the fundamental mechanisms underlying disease progression in fatty liver disease.

Approximately one-quarter of the population in Finland, as well as globally, is affected by fatty liver disease. It is the most common chronic liver condition and can lead to severe outcomes such as cirrhosis, liver cancer, and hepatic failure. Despite its prevalence, the underlying mechanisms of disease progression in fatty liver disease remain poorly understood, and no specific pharmacotherapies are currently available.

Our recent studies have revealed that common genetic changes associated with progressive fatty liver disease are strongly linked to hepatic mitochondrial reductive stress. This research plan aims to:

  1. Investigate liver mitochondrial reductive stress as a key disease mechanism.
  2. Explore its potential as a new treatment target.

We will utilize extensive biobank data from large population studies to examine the role of mitochondrial reductive stress in the progression of severe liver diseases. Additionally, we will assess how commonly used pharmacotherapies relate to hepatic reductive stress, with the goal of identifying medicines that could potentially be repurposed to treat fatty liver disease.

In clinical trials, we employ a highly precise stable isotope method to investigate whether fatty acids and alcohol – two key risk factors of fatty liver disease – induce acute mitochondrial reductive stress in the liver. We will also examine whether patients with advanced fatty liver disease are more affected than healthy controls. Furthermore, we will study the effects of medications with known benefits for lipid metabolism on mitochondrial reductive stress in the liver.
