Research Groups

Cardiorenal Diabetes

The goal of our group is to gain deeper understanding on renal and cerebrovascular diseases in patients with and without diabetes.

Cardiovascular Disease in the Young

Our focus is to study cardiovascular diseases presenting in the young as well as early cardiovascular disease progression of diseases commonly observed in adult life.

Cardiovascular Research

Our group studies the molecular mechanisms of cardiac injury, repair, and regeneration in myocardial infarction and heart failure.

Cellular Neuroscience

Cellular neuroscience group is interested in cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying learning. Special focus has been in dendritic spines.

Epigenomics of Complex Traits

Our group studies the role of genetics and the environment in epigenetic processes, and how these processes relate to the development of common diseases and complex traits.

Fatty Liver Disease and Diabetes

The main goal is to study the pathogenesis of fatty liver disease and diabetes in humans with a special focus on the role of hepatic mitochondrial metabolism.

Lipid Signaling and Homeostasis

The research group investigates the regulatory regimes that our cells employ to maintain their lipid balance and to integrate their lipid status with other vital functions such as cell signaling.

Membrane Biology

We aim to learn how major membrane and storage lipids, such as cholesterol and triacylglycerols, move in the intracellular milieu and how their compartmentalization in cells is controlled.


The main interest of the group is to understand the various mechanisms regulating metabolism and insulin sensitivity at whole body level as well as specifically in skeletal muscle.

Associated group: Neuronal Signaling

We study basic mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases and nerve cell damage in the brain.